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Return Policy

Item return policy?

  1. No claim will be considered after 7 days of delivery of goods.
  2. All items must be notified within 7 days and should be returned within 14 days of purchased goods.
  3. All items must be returned unopened and undamaged with original packing intact where applicable.
  4. All items must be returned via registered post to K&Q International office address.
  5. Please keep the appropriate proof of return otherwise if the return item is missing during the transit to us we will deem the item was not returned.
  6. To initiate a return request as soon as possible please email to (info@kqint.com.au)

Include the following information.

  • Your Purchase / document number.
  • A brief description of the problem/ issues with the goods.
  1. All refund for returned items for purchase orders will be credited back to original credit card which the order was purchased for.